How to reschedule a Phone appointment in ZipLeads
1. Cancel the appointment in Exerp
2. Find your contact card in ZipLeads as this is where all phone appointments should be managed > on the right hand side select appointment > find the appointment you are wanting to reschedule
How to Cancel a phone appointment in ZipLeads
1. Cancel the appointment in Exerp
2. Find your contact card in ZipLeads > on the right hand side select appointment > find the appointment you are wanting to cancel
Part 2 : Tour Appointments
How to reschedule a Tour appointment
1. Cancel the appointment in ZipLeads in the contact card select appointments on the right hand side > Select the pencil/edit icon.
This will stop any further messaging going out for this tour. Changing the time will NOT Update the tour time in Exerp
4. Re book the Tour appointment in Exerp.
5. Back in ZipLeads you will see this has now synced through with the appropriate Tour time and your new tour reminders will be sent to the client.
How to Cancel a Tour Appointment
Simply cancel the Tour Appointment in Zipleads AND Exerp. This will ensure no futher messaging goes out from ZipLeads and that the Staff member no longer has this on their Exerp schedule.
1. In ZipLeads in the contact card select appointments on the right hand side > Select the pencil/edit icon